Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



Aus: 0420 879 204

OS: +61 420 879 204


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Entries in fetish photography (50)


My Latex exhibited by Sydney Leather Pride @ Ms Leather Sydney!

Hi E/everyone!

Guess what? If you go down to the Ms Leather contest tonight at the Oxford Hotel, Taylor Square, you’re “bound” for a big surprise…

I’ve been asked by Sydney Leather Pride to exhibit some of My latex creations thru Gomu, My fetish clothing label! A straight jacket, kick bag, clear piss pants and straight jacket sleeves are on exhibit for all to see! If you’ve been in a latex session with Me, or if you caught My very first fashion show at Sydney Rubber Ball in 2008, you may just recognize some pieces!

Mistress Tokyo in

My favourite photographer Luke Messerer from Soul Focus Studio is also exhibiting too! He has eight canvasses on show, with some of them focusing yours truly too! Any one who has been inside My studio would surely recognize this picture that appeared in…

Mistress Tokyo by Soul Focus Studio

What a great honour to be asked and such fun to exhibit to support Sydney Leather Pride in conjunction with Ms Leather Sydney! I’ll be down at the Oxford to see the best leather lady win!

Til next time – in leather!



I'm back in town from NYC!

Hi A/all - I'm back in town from NYC and LA!

I got back last week from the USA after 9 days break visiting the East Coast for the first time!

I had the first day in LA recovering from jet lag - only to get on a red eye plane to NY the next night! I stayed in Brooklyn with fetish friends and saw a lot of Manhattan on foot the first day. The second day I went to NYC Rubber Studio, hosted by the wonderful Mistress Araiana Chevalier - check out the best studio in NYC here!

New York City Rubber Studio

I had wanted to visit Her space for a long time as I'd been told how much great rubber She has collected over the years and what an accomplished Mistress She is. I was not disappointed but I also found out She's a wonderful person too! She even gave Me a gift of a handcrafted wooden frat paddle from Her personal slave! I'd definitely recommend a visit to Her space when in Manhattan!

I shopped at The Leatherman and Purple Passion, as well as buying some souvenirs for friends at home! Being a foodie, I also visited the Chelsea Markets for cheese and great (albeit expensive) coffee. I did indulge in some non-kinky tourist sights too - the Statton Island Ferry, Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building were fantastic! One of the things I enjoyed the most was the great graffitti mixed in with the beautiful 1930's deco architecture of many of the older Manhattan buildings. 

One of the most outstanding cultural highlights was certainly the "Museum of Sex", a privately-funded curatorial space on 5th Ave showing exhibitions focussing on the history of sexuality. I saw exhibitions on the history of the condom, sex in film, the sex lives of animals and even a small exhibition on BDSM from the permanent collection.

The Museum of Sex NYC

The "Museum of Sex" is also here on Facebook!:

BDSM exhibition at Museum of Sex

One of the things I saw from the permanent collection was this amazing vintage anti-onanism (masturbation) device! What a thing of beauty, seen only before in My dreams!

Historical anti-onanism chastity device

The space even has a cafe on the lowest level with a menu focussing on using ingredients that have aphrodisiac properties! I can personally recommend the "Persephone" mocktail! :D

Oral Fix Cafe at the Museum of Sex NYC

Yes, yes, I did bring back a whole heap of toys with Me, too! I bought new electrical gear from the Leatherman - a different style of ass plug and a catheter - as well as more CP gear! I bought another single tail to match My favourite one, a new **very hard** flogger, amongst others. Most especially, I bought a beautiful stainless steel knife. I've wanted a new knife for a long time and not found anything inspiring locally. Even better, I was able to buy a great one in stainless steel, so I can autoclave it after every use…

While I was there I also visited My fantastic friend Sue Nice from! She is now making Me my 4th tight lacing corset, in black satin, to match My vintage corsetry and lingerie. I was also able to pick up a superlative vintage leather corset for My XD and TV slaves! I am constantly crestfallen by the dearth of good leather and corsetry in Sydney, nay Australia! So the search for corsets that suit My taste has been a long and arduous one. I'm happy to say - that I am now happy! I was able to acquire a beautiful black leather corset from a friend in LA. I maintain that I will not see My slaves in fetish clothing anything less than the best I can provide!

It's been great to travel but I'm happy to be back to My routine in Sydney to see the rest of the year out! Speaking of such, I'll look forward to seeing you all again before I leave for Xmas Holidays!



I've touched down in LA & en route to NYC!

Hi A/all!

I am now officially in the USA after a torrid flight from Sydney on Sunday 14th! I'm just about to hop on another plane to New York - My very first time in the Big Apple! I'm so looking forward to it and am looking forward to a heady mix of tourist stuff and kinky destinations! ;)

Missing Me already? Thought you might be! Here are some amazing shots I've been keeping under My hat that Luke from Soul Focus Studio and I did weeks ago that I've not yet published - these should more than keep you all happy in My short absence...

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Just showing you what you'll be missing and what you have to look forward to on My return on the 25th Nov. I seriously doubt I'll have the time to blog while I'm away - so enjoy these pics of Me until we speak again!

Best, in front of the camera again!



Soul Focus Studio releases 2nd fetish photography book!

Hi again E/everyone!

Just released is the 2nd self-published book by the local Sydney fetish photographer who's shot Me the most, Lucas Messerer from Soul Focus Studio!

you can see more of his amazing work at Support the local fetish arts scene and buy a copy - a preview of the book is available online and purchases can be made by clicking on the cover below... 

Soul Focus Studio's 2nd book - The Case Continues

Enjoy his work - it is amazing and we are lucky to rep the benefit of Luke's kinky creativity! I haven't seen it yet, but I believe I'm in it at least four times! Thanks Luke, you are a true friend and amazing artist!

And while we're on the topic, you all should count your lucky stars because just before I go away to the US I'll be releasing more images of shoot that Luke and I did recently! you'll love it when you see it - so stay tuned!

Best - and occasionally in front of the camera,



Two things I'm really excited about right now...

Hi A/all!

Wondering why I've been so absent from Twitter recently? I've been so busy that I simply haven't had time to sit down, forget tell you about what I'm up to! I'm one of those people who actually still Tweets from their damn computer - I need an Iphone yesterday!! :)

It seems that Spring always gets the blood up - Myself included - so there have been a couple more than the usual number of sessions recently and some really hot ones at that! :)

Another thing that always gets My blood up is a new pair of shiny boots! I've a couple of doozies in the mail coming as I write (cheers Ebay!) so stay tuned - more on those sooner! But, I have such a great collection already with such unique pairs, it's never a chore to showcase My favourites!

As My devoted readers here know I recently did yet another photo shoot for edition 69! is a pay per view site but, on the last couple of occasions, I've been kind enough to provide My readers with a couple of teaser shots - and here are some from My most recent shoot! Hope you enjoy them!

Mistress Tokyo by #69

Mistress Tokyo by #69

If anyone didn't already notice, the boots I'm modelling here are freaking FANTASTIC!! For those who missed the Bootlovers brouhaha, these are 12" heeled, 7" platformed, black patent leather thigh high boots by the now defunct Little Shoe Box company from the UK. I bought these from a gent who used to run a kinky website and who now runs The Boot Fetishist Blog. The shots are by own DJ who just happened to be in Sydney on business.

Mistress Tokyo by #69

After looking at these shots, I'm sure the very last thing you are interested in is Me talking about anything else but My boot collection - unless you have the chance to get a look at some of the most amazing pairs I own! Sounds too good to be true?

Guess what? The OTHER thing on My mind is...

The Gathering -

Sydney is currently getting ready for this keynote event - the very first of its kind in OZ ever! Why is it unique? It's a weekend long convention from Oct 1st to 4th with parties, workshops and performances. It's going to be really huge!!!

So, why am I mentioning it in concert with My boot pictures? The reason is that I'm conducting two workshops at The Gathering. One is on "Electro play" - but the other one is on "Fetishism", with a focus on boots!

This workshop will also include a WORLD FIRST - the 1ST EVER FETISH BOOT EXHIBITION! I'll be taking people on a guided tour of this small but seminal exhibition of the most rare and extreme boots you'll find anywhere in the world. Some are from My personal collection and some from the personal collection of DJ from himself!

you'll hear more about The Gathering in My upcoming blog entries - but tickets are selling now! Be sure to check out the website and to see the range of fantastic local and international performers who are going to be showcasing their work!

Best - always in boots! ;)