"Someone I Met" Documentary lands, beautifully

Hi A/all!
Back in January, I was shot by the 2 person independent documentary team from "Someone I met".
The intent was to capture Me in session, to elucidate the connection I share with My clients.
Wonderful - but I wanted to bring more.
And so I did...
Back on the telly - click for the link to the doco!
After talking A LOT about Aikido, I went onto unpack BDSM as a bodywork modality, then discourse on My spiritual connection I explore in scene.
ALL IN 3 MINS... I must talk FASTTTT.
I was very lucky to have people sensitive to the intimacy between Myself and My slave, and not those who wished to merely sensationalize what I do.
I'd like to personally thanks Rosie Creamer and Luke Gresham for this delicate and perceptive showcasing of what I do and how I do it.
I also like to thank AWS for being brave enough to be on the bottom here, yet again for Me. Thanks, slave.
If you wish to see the 3min doco, it's currently on Facebook only but I'll do My darndest to spread it out there, like wildfire. It's MORE than worth watching...
Click on any of the images above and then let the link just take you there.
Best, ever.