Australian Power Exchange Title, Oct 19th

Hi E/everyone,
Even if you've been living under a rock, you'd still have noticed I've been *exceptionally* busy in the last 2 months!
I've done 2 different BDSM conferences in 2 different cities; photo shoots with that photographer then flying into here to do another show... Crazy busy - and loving' it! :D
But certainly, one of the most important things I've done in the way of community work is to bring the International Power Exchange Title to Australia.
In the last few years, we - particularly Melbourne and Sydney - have seen a growth in Leather Title events. This is where prominent scene people are recognized and celebrated by their local BDSM community at events convened to forge greater cohesion and inspire us to strive together. My first experience of this was My title "Sydney Ms Leather 2012", awarded to Me by Sydney Leather Pride Assoc.
When I held workshops and performed at Beyond Leather in Florida in May, they asked Me to be the Australian Producer of their title.
The inaugural Australian Power Exchange Title seeks to
"Celebrate the relationship that makes you feel powerful!"
We sought couples in all sorts of power exchange relationships to show us what they were made of!
Winners received a travel fund to fly to the States to the International Power Exchange Title at Beyond Leather, April 2015.
Winners of the Australian PE Title! Photography by Chuck Roberts
Therefore, I am VERY proud to announce the winners of the inaugural Australian Power Exchange Title contest in 2014...
They will join Me next year in Florida to compete in the International contest and to forger stronger community ties between Australia and the USA!
Our Judges! Image by Anne-Marie Calihanna for the Sydney Star Observer
Myself and Angie Demaskau, one of My MCs. Image by Anne-Marie Calihanna for the Sydney Star Observer
It was a huge undertaking to organize the whole event by Myself but I'm very glad to have done it as I'm always looking for new ways to contribute to our wider community. :)
I'm also immensely grateful to My sponsors in Sydney and Melbourne without whom I literally couldn't have run the event. My major sponsors were Sax Fetish, Max Black and Eagle Leather - THANKYOU so much for your support! Of course, a huge thank you needs to go out to all the people on the ground who helped make it such a fabulous night, too.
I am happy to say that I'll enjoy a short break before I dip My toe into My next enterprise for the benefit of our community - at least until the start of next year!
Most certainly, I'll be posting here about the International Power Exchange Title at Beyond Leather in Florida, when I take My winners there in March/April next year!
PS. STAY TUNED for shots and footage of My fabulous shibari rope bondage show from the Australian Power Exchange Title, coming up very soon!