Sydney Sexpo 2018 Fetish Room Wrap Up

Click on the image to go to My article in the Herald Sun
Hi A/all!
PHEW! Sydney Sexpo is over for another year in 2018 and I've only just recovered Myself from the huge outlay of energy...
I convened the Fetish Room where Myself, Mistress Electra Amore and Avalon from Avalon's Rope Dojo presented 35 workshops on a diversity of topics for the unsuspecting public!
I also presented My most significant show yet - "Sado" - with My illustrious co-performer and partner in crime, Paloma Negra from Paloma Negra Theatre.
We really cracked our ouerve this time, with a show that was ground breaking (again) for shibari x trapeze, the first of it's kind!
We had apparatus made especially for the show, and I hope we can take it South to Melbourne for Oz Kink Fest in September!
Most definitely there will be show photos coming in a blog, soon! Stay tuned - but here's a sneak peek... (Image credit to Roberto Duran)
I'd like to thank Sexpo for asking Me back for yet another year, as producer of the Fetish Room.
Most definitely, I love doing Sexpo specifically because I get to ensure those with an interest in Kink have an excellent first contact with the scene, and with safe sane and consensual play.
I am proud to say that I was really on message this year, more than ever before, and have most certainly succeeded Myself again with My show efforts! Yes!
I was interviewed by the Herald Sun over the weekend, you'll find the article as a link from the image above.
It's actually a great article - most definitely as it DOESN'T sensationalise what I do - and has been widely shared on social media already. Check it out!
Apparently, I come with an "Adult Content" warning... ;) #yolo