Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



Aus: 0420 879 204

OS: +61 420 879 204


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Entries in education (12)


In Melb Sept 25-29 for Sessions, "Oz Kink Fest"

Hi A/all!

It seems I'm back in Sydney *just* long enough to be traveling again - this time to Melbourne for Australia's biggest kink event, "Oz Kink Fest"! (Phew! Where does it end? LOL It doesn't!)


My session dates in Melbourne:

Thurs 25thFri 26th Sept only


As per usual, I'll conduct My sessions at Collingwood Confidential, close to the Melbourne CBD. Please note, I'm NOT AVAILABLE over the Oz Kink Fest weekend.

Unsurprisingly, My time is extremely limited in Melbourne. Thusly, only bookings with a confirmation by deposit are considered.

If you are interested in meeting in Melbourne on one of these two dates, please do be in contact on My mobile 0420 879 204 or email Me directly at

I'll look forward to hearing from the slaves I met on My last trip to Vic - and hope to meet some new ones, too!

And... I'm also in Melbourne for "Oz Kink Fest"! :D

Click thru to the Oz Kink Fest site...

Oz Kink Fest is in it's 7th year and I'm proud to be contributing to this amazing event again for the 4th time!

I'm conducting 5 workshops and doing a shibari show at Hellfire Resurrection Friday night!

"Oz Kink Fest brings fetish enthusiasts, experts and retailers together for 10 days of workshops, parties, performances and trade across a number of inner-city venues."

It's 10 days of constant action! There's a Fetish Expo market with it's own Expo After Party, Hellfire Resurrection Party, 2 days of workshops on a diversity of topics, then ANOTHER Stay and Play Party afterwards. Holey crap, it's a BIG ONE! :O

And, to My great delight, I've been asked to be one of the headline bondage shows at the Friday night Hellfire Resurrection party! I have an exciting shibari bondage scene forming right now - and I can't wait to develop it further..!

Click on this poster to go to the Oz Kink Fest site...

My 5 workshops over the weekend of the 27th/28th are; "CBT: Women on Men""Sex Rope: Non-Japanese Basics", My now infamous "Heavy Sensory Deprivation Bondage", My new and improved - fresh from the USA -"Takedown Bondage" and the BRAND NEW-NEW "Catheters and Sounds on Cis-men".

It's going to be a massive weekend after two days of sessions! I've got a busy, busy life - and I'd not change that for all the お茶 in Japan...

I'll look forward to hearing from My Victorian slaves again for a taste of their hospitality on My short trip South!




Workshops, Shibari Demos at Sexpo, Aug 1-3

Click on the banner above to check the Sexpo site!

Hi E/everyone,

I've been asked by Sexpo this year to provide BDSM demonstrations and workshops for their bumper weekend event!

This year Sexpo is on August 1 - 3, Friday to Sunday, at Fox Studios.

If you've not been to one of these events before, it's massive. Imagine stall after stall of sex toys and erotic clothing, porn stars signing autographs and strippers doing shows...

It's about as vanilla as you can get - until I walk in! :D :D :D

If you are at Sexpo and want to drop by the BDSM area, I'll be there 6pm - 10pm Fri and Sat, then from noon - 8pm on the Sun.

I'll be bringing My own equipment to facilitate My demonstrations; a suspension bondage drop point to do shibari bondage and a horse for flogging and spanking.

Here is the program of what I'm offering...

Got rope?

Sexpo BDSM Demo and Workshop program:

Friday: Demos 6pm to 10pm
Workshop 8pm: BDSM 101 - Q&A
Saturday: Demos 6pm to 10pm
Workshop 8pm: BDSM 101 - Q&A
Sunday: Demos 12pm to 8pm
Workshop 2pm: BDSM 101 - Q&A
Workshop 4pm: Rope Bondage Basics
Workshop 6pm: Spanking and Flogging Basics

When I lived in Melbourne, I modeled for "Marquis de Sade Corsetry", performing in fetish fashion shows at Sexpo for fun. Now as a presenter, I'll look forward to what I can share with Sexpo on an intellectually "stimulating" level. (And let's just say I'm going to blow away any misconceptions about "50 shades of Gray" being anything to do with genuine BDSM...)

Here I am on the "Attractions" page of the Sexpo site - right next to the "Queens of the Outback" drag act! (At last - FAME!! :D)

Click thru to see Me on the Sexpo site...

I'll most certainly be in the minority as a kinkster, but I'm sure that will just draw a lot of attention. Rest assured dear reader, I'll be able to handle that... ;) 

It's going to be huge! I'm looking forward to bringing a high quality of BDSM education to the Sexpo community - as well as some beautiful bondage and intense impact play scenes!




Latex Workshop for Schwelle Sun 29th June

Feel like getting all rubbery with Me?Hi A/all!

I'm back from a quick break over the weekend to be on the workshop trail once more - in between My many sessions!

This Sunday I'm presenting 'Latex: The Initiation' for Schwelle Sydney. I've presented this workshop twice previously at the Sydney Xplore Festival and in Melbourne at 'Eagle Leather' to fabulous success!

The workshop is from 6pm for 2hrs this Sunday 29th June. Tickets are $40 full price and $20 for concession and members

It's a little bit more complex than your ordinary rubber workshop... ;)

"As many of you know, I believe that latex is not just a fabric for sexy clothing that we see in kinky stores! Dressing and playing in rubber can be transformative, engendering highly stimulating, sensory experiences and the possibility of exploring new erotic personas.

At its highest vibration, it can be conducive to altered states and transcendence. Latex can also have deeply spiritual fetishistic properties not immediately perceived to the uninitiated."

I've always wanted to communicate the more esoteric aspects of rubber play - so I created a workshop about it!

This workshop is unique as attendees get a chance to wear latex and experiment a little, up to experiencing rubber restriction under My direction. It's a great practical workshop to break the ice if you've always been interested in rubber but not known quite where to start!

If you're interested in a booking, please find the registration link below on the Try Booking banner...


Schwelle Sydney is "a sanctuary for those who wish to explore the thresholds between Sexuality, Body Research, Philosophy and BDSM." (in German: "Schwellen") 

Schwelle is the Sydney chapter of the German group by the same name, founded in Berlin by Felix Ruckert. The Australian group is headed by Dr Peter Banki and meets in a private venue in Bondi on a regular basis. Dr Banki is also a driving force behind the Xplore Festival, the fourth incarnation of which is to be held in Melbourne this November.

Curious about other happenings and events at Schwelle? Have a look at their full site below by clicking on the banner link...

Click on the banner to go to the Schwelle site...

I've been so busy recently I've been having trouble keeping My own head abreast of all the things I do! So, I decided to create a new web page on My site here dedicated simply to where I am going to be next and when!

The page is called 'Appearing' and details in simple list form My next engagements - what, who and where! The page works in conjunction with My blog where I always post about My next activities, giving a future list of the places I'll be educating and performing.

If you see I'll be in your town and wish to discuss a session, be in touch!

My 'Appearing' page is different from 'Travel' as it details where I'll be presenting and performing with details for ticket purchase. 'Travel' page lists where I'll be geographically for sessions, as well as when I'm NOT available due to holiday travel.

Phew... It's always great to be busy - just the way I like it! :D




'Heavy Sens Dep' workshop for Uber, Thurs 5th

Click on the shot to book!Hi again A/all!

I've been asked to hold My very popular, infamous "Heavy Sensory Deprivation" workshop for Uber yet again!

It's on this Thursday June 5th, 7pm - tickets are $20.

I premiered this workshop at Uber's first 'The Gathering' weekend event a couple of years ago to a massive success! I then went on to hold it again at 'Beyond Leather' in Florida last month - to a standing ovation! :D

I'll be taking attendees through the basics of heavy sensory deprivation play, with a focus on leather and latex and derivations into bondage! I'll cover all aspects of this scene, from safety through to the more subtle psychological properties of this play.

It's on tomorrow night from 7pm for 2hrs at their Camperdown premises. Tickets cost $20 with tea and coffee provided, too!

Numbers are always limited for My workshops, so registration through the Uber Services site is mandatory. The exact address is provided only with registration, so jump onto the link above or browse the site below via the banner for more details!




2 Workshops at Eagle Leather 19th, 20th March

Click on the banner to go to the Eagle site...

Hi again A/all,

I'm back in Melbourne next week for sessions - if you hadn't noticed - but I'm also back for another round of BDSM workshops!

I'm presenting two workshops at Eagle Leather. They are one of Australia's few enduring premier BDSM, kink and fetishwear stores and have been operating for many years in Victoria.

This time I'm presenting an oldie but a goodie, My very popular "CBT: Women on Men". I've presented this twice before to a packed house of CBT enthusiasts of different genders and levels of experience.

In addition to this fab workshop, I'm then presenting the totally new "Sex Rope". I'm designing this beginners workshop to show basic rope ties for penetrative sex that are quick, simple and totally practical!


Click on the link below to find out more about My "Sex Rope" workshop on Wednesday 19th:

Click on the image to book for the workshop


If you can't see the workshop link, just click on one of the many picture of Myself that Eagle have all over their fabulous site! lol They are sooo nice! :)


Click on the link below to find out more about My "CBT: Women on Men" workshop on Thursday 20th:

Click on the image to book for the workshop

Regarding sessions in Melbourne, I still have a good amount of time on Thursday day so be in touch before My time is completely gobbled up! I'm already quite heavily booked the other two days in the daytime but could still potentially meet if your time is flexible.

I had a lovely conversation with a slave from The House of Domination yesterday! (For those not familiar, THOD was a small but excellent old school house of BDSM, before the licensing legislation changed in Vic where a venue had to have a prostitution licence) I'd love to re-acquaint with as many slaves from that time as I can. I'll look forward to discussing old times and how THOD went through change over time!

Be in touch and we can discuss a session! See you next week in Melbourne!
