In Melb Sept 25-29 for Sessions, "Oz Kink Fest"

Hi A/all!
It seems I'm back in Sydney *just* long enough to be traveling again - this time to Melbourne for Australia's biggest kink event, "Oz Kink Fest"! (Phew! Where does it end? LOL It doesn't!)
My session dates in Melbourne:
Thurs 25th & Fri 26th Sept only
As per usual, I'll conduct My sessions at Collingwood Confidential, close to the Melbourne CBD. Please note, I'm NOT AVAILABLE over the Oz Kink Fest weekend.
Unsurprisingly, My time is extremely limited in Melbourne. Thusly, only bookings with a confirmation by deposit are considered.
If you are interested in meeting in Melbourne on one of these two dates, please do be in contact on My mobile 0420 879 204 or email Me directly at
I'll look forward to hearing from the slaves I met on My last trip to Vic - and hope to meet some new ones, too!
And... I'm also in Melbourne for "Oz Kink Fest"! :D
Click thru to the Oz Kink Fest site...
Oz Kink Fest is in it's 7th year and I'm proud to be contributing to this amazing event again for the 4th time!
I'm conducting 5 workshops and doing a shibari show at Hellfire Resurrection Friday night!
"Oz Kink Fest brings fetish enthusiasts, experts and retailers together for 10 days of workshops, parties, performances and trade across a number of inner-city venues."
It's 10 days of constant action! There's a Fetish Expo market with it's own Expo After Party, Hellfire Resurrection Party, 2 days of workshops on a diversity of topics, then ANOTHER Stay and Play Party afterwards. Holey crap, it's a BIG ONE! :O
And, to My great delight, I've been asked to be one of the headline bondage shows at the Friday night Hellfire Resurrection party! I have an exciting shibari bondage scene forming right now - and I can't wait to develop it further..!
Click on this poster to go to the Oz Kink Fest site...
My 5 workshops over the weekend of the 27th/28th are; "CBT: Women on Men", "Sex Rope: Non-Japanese Basics", My now infamous "Heavy Sensory Deprivation Bondage", My new and improved - fresh from the USA -"Takedown Bondage" and the BRAND NEW-NEW "Catheters and Sounds on Cis-men".
It's going to be a massive weekend after two days of sessions! I've got a busy, busy life - and I'd not change that for all the お茶 in Japan...
I'll look forward to hearing from My Victorian slaves again for a taste of their hospitality on My short trip South!