"Consent is Never a Grey Area". Me.

Hi A/all,
Gosh, don't I go saying the DARNDEST THINGS...
I'd been riffing (see RIPPING) the life out of the title of "50 Shades of Grey" since Sexpo 2018. I stumbled across how to use it constructively... Thankfully we got some use out of it - what a terrible tome!
But, I did strike gold when I first said, "there is no grey area with consent" - and it's now been picked up as a bon mot in this live interview I did just recently with Studio 10.
I'm professionally trained in Consent by Betty Martin from bettymartin.org, so can talk consent from both empirical experience and academic perspective. In fact, I'm PROUD to do so...
The interview was short, but went around the web like wildfire!
Check it out here, and tell Me what you think?