Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



Aus: 0420 879 204

OS: +61 420 879 204


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Entries in dominatrix training (6)



Hi A/all!



View Her new website here!


Her site has a blog too - check it here...


Want to text Her to congratulate Her? 

+61 483 813 019


Check out Her ad on Escorts & Babes...

She couldn't have said it better! It's been a long 4 years, with some roundabouts, but Reina is finally launched and ready to rock as a Pro Domme!


"After a whole host of setbacks, namely; a global pandemic, a visit to the hospital after a motorbike accident with a long convalescence, several international trips as well as education commitments which got in the way of My training, I am finally ready to launch as an independent!"


The thing that sets Reina apart from the REST of the trainees who came, tried and didn't stay, is that She HAS STAYED - all despite adversity of personal circumstances (and the small matter of a global pandemic). I congratulate Her on her staying power, including Her hard-won skills! 

I'll look forward to seeing Her in here at My studio over the next few weeks seeing out the rest of 2020 on a SPECIAL reduced rate of $250 for an hour of light play. This is strictly for the rest of this year to get Her session miles up and further distil Her personal style of play.

We are still available for Double Domme sessions - of course - at the combined rate of $500 per hour, with Reina still needing to skill up in the more intense forms of bondage in which I am very proficient.

I'll look forward to seeing Her grow over the next few years as an internationally regarded Pro Domme! 

Congratulations Reina, go girl!!! \m/ \m/




Training Mistress Reina - Sounds & Catheters

Hi A/all!

Here is My last installment of blogs focusing on Reina's training experience before She launches next week!

Today, I'm documenting Her training in Catheters and Sounds.

I've trained Reina to use live-in urinary Catheters, to "deepen" Her range in CBT play!

It's SO satisfying to be able to run a line into someone's bladder, and have them know that you are controlling such intimate and inaccessible recesses in their body. 

It's no long journey to then use this access to compound someone's orgasm through the roof, psychologically and physiologically!

Sounding is something I have great respect for - most particularly as you occasionally hear horror stories about people who haven't undertaken even the most basic training seriously damaging people.

The fact you can buy Sounds readily doesn't mean the play is something which should be taken as lightly as just making an Ebay purchase. 

Regardless of these things, I've taught Reina how to Sound, so she is fully versed in invasive play intra-urethrally.

There is only 1 more week before Reina launches! Wow!

It's been 4 years and She's been a champion, but now the work truly starts...

Remember to start following Reina at Her Twitter and Instagram feeds in the lead up to Her launch.

Find Her on Twitter:


Find Her on Instagram:


Again, a reminder, due to Her immanent launch, you have ONE WEEK to session with BOTH OF US at Her trainee rate of $150/hr* until She launches on Nov 17th.

(*making the total tribute for the TWO of us in session $500 per hour)

Call Me on 0420 879 204 or email Me to discuss a session before this opportunity to session with BOTH of us is no longer available and Reina goes up to asking a fully trained Mistress rate per hour.




Training Mistress Reina - Electro, E-stim TENS & Violet Wand

Hi A/all!

Here is the the next installment of My weekly blogs focussing on Reina's training in the lead up to Her launch IN 2 WEEKS!!

This training day we explored electrical play in it's two forms; using a TENS machine and the Violet Wand.

We also explored doing TENS play above the waist, something many won't do - unless you know how to do it safely, of course!

Here we see Reina using both My ErosTek 312B and My generic TENS machine.

Despite the fact My ErosTek is old and has been refurbished, it still holds well against the power of the newer and good quality TENS.

I do find some slaves prefer the newer TENS, and I've totally LOVED having the ability to have TWO machines in the room on the same slave, to make an e-stim scene EVEN MORE INTENSE! :D

We had a great time using the Violet wand!

Unfortunately, My isopropol alcohol had evaporated so we couldn't explore using fire with the Wand, but when I acquire some, I'll definitely be showing Reina that trick! Luckily, She is a fire performer, so She will have no issues using that technique in session!

Remember to start following Reina at Her Twitter and Instagram feeds in the lead up to Her launch in 2 weeks! 

Yes, it's FINALLY come around - we have 2 more weeks of Reina's traineeship and then She is out there!

Find Her on Twitter:


Find Her on Instagram:


Again, a reminder, due to Her immanent launch, you have a LIMITED TIME to session with BOTH OF US at Her trainee rate of $150/hr* until She launches on Nov 17th.

(*making the total tribute for the TWO of us in session $500 per hour)

Call Me on 0420 879 204 or email Me to discuss a session before this opportunity to session with BOTH of us is no longer available and Reina goes up to asking a fully trained Mistress rate per hour.




Training Mistress Reina - Mummification Bondage

Hi A/all!

This weeks' blog is about My training Mistress Reina in heavy bondage - specifically mummification.

We also added a total enclosure gaffa taping to the technique, which adds an extra layer of pleasure - or pain - to what is an already challenging situation!

These shots are from one of our many Our training days. On this day, we wrapped a slave in pallet wrap, first by the arms, then the torso, then the legs - all separately.

If the limbs are wrapped separately, when additional layers are added, the resulting bondage is so much more firm, making it even more inescapable!

Here, we have just finished taping the limbs and are now wrapping them under another layer which serves to secure them in place against the body to really ensure the slave feels his bondage is inescapable!

Then we started on a full body taping, carefully wrapping the whole of the slave's body in gaffa tape over the pallet wrap, securing the bottom two layers under a firm shell of tape.

This requires patience and a firm touch as too much pressure on the body here will most certainly cut off circulation and cause the slave to wear out earlier than desired.

Now this is a happy slave! Pallet wrapped and taped just for fun by two beautiful women? Heck yes!

Remember to start following Reina at Her Twitter and Instagram feeds in the lead up to Her launch in November! 

Find Her on Twitter:


Find Her on Instagram:



Due to Her immanent launch, you now only have LIMITED TIME to session with BOTH OF US at Her trainee rate of $150/hr*

(*making the total tribute for the TWO of us in session $500 per hour)

Call Me on 0420 879 204 or email Me to discuss a session before this opportunity to session with BOTH of us is no longer available and Reina goes up to asking a fully trained Mistress rate per hour.




Training Mistress Reina - Injections, Castration

Hi A/all!

The second installment of My blogs about My Trainee Mistress Reina's training is here!

This week, I'm documenting Her learning Saline Injections and using the Elastrator with Docking Rings for play Castrations.

I explained to Her that Saline Injections are not as intense as Saline Infusions - as covered in last weeks' blog - but can be used in their own unique way, or in conjunction with other forms of CBT.

I also showed Her in the same sitting the intricacies of applying Docking Rings using My Elastrator for play castrations

It's difficult to get them on - but sometimes even more difficult to get them off! This is most particularly if the slave is in a lot of pain! :)

I insisted Reina wear My glasses, as the Mistress exposes Herself to getting hit by an errant ring if it happens to flick off the end of the Elastrator tool. (These things are so tight!)

I'm pleased to say Reina is keeping up Her standard of passing with flying colours across all points of Her tuition so far!

If you are curious about seeing Docking Rings in action, I'm just about to release a new video on My clips site at showing Me using them in session!

I'm just editing it now, and it will be out on My site within the week! Stay tuned!


Remember to start following Reina at Her Twitter and Instagram feeds in the lead up to Her launch! 

Find Her on Twitter:


Find Her on Instagram:



Due to Her immanent launch, you now only have LIMITED TIME to session with BOTH OF US at Her trainee rate of $150/hr*

(*making the total tribute for the TWO of us in session $500 per hour)

Call Me on 0420 879 204 or email Me to discuss a session before this opportunity to session with BOTH of us is no longer available and Reina goes up to asking a fully trained Mistress rate per hour.
