London/Amsterdam Travel Sept 27 - Oct 12th

Hi A/all!
To celebrate the fact the sight in My right eye is returning, I'm touring London and Amsterdam for the first time ever late Sept & early Oct!
"What a way to celebrate?!" you say? YES, goddammit! I say! :D
We only live once - and some not at all.
My Session dates for London:
Oct 3rd to 6th ONLY
My tributes in London:
220ST for 1hr light to medium play
250ST for 1hr of heavier play
I'm sessioning at the Hanwell studio of elite London Dominatrix, Mistress Miranda. (YES, we are available for doubles!)
My Session dates for Amsterdam:
Available for sessions Oct 10th & 11th ONLY
I'm INCREDIBLY HONOURED to say I'm sessioning at the studio of legendary European Mistress, Madieanne.
Madieanne has been a personal benchmark for Me for My 16 year career.
I used to look at Her ads in Cruella and DDI mags back at the House of Domination in Melbourne and think She was exceptional. Engaged, passionate, elegant.
I'm SO looking forward to finally meeting Her, in person. It will be a total high point of My career. BOOM.
This tour was planned for March but, due to My healing timeline - and My new studio build - I postponed.
Let's just say I've already had a huge year and let it be known, London and Amsterdam, I've been down but I am not yet done...
For My first weekend in the UK I'll attend London Fetish Week! I've not been before and it's organized by My friend and peer Mistress Absolute! What a blast!
Then I fly to Amsterdam for Europerve on the 8th - a huge party celebrating 30 years of the legendary fetish fashion label Demask!
Please note, I do have limited availability in My itinerary.
I have already taken a number of bookings in London at the time of publishing this blog. It will be a case of the quick and... the wanting.
Be in touch if you wish to petition Me for an audience in either city. The first step is to email Me at
If you are a UK or Netherlands based slave and desperately wish to contact Me via phone, call My Australian number and we can plan from there.
I'll provide a number to contact Me on when I land in the UK on 28th Sept.