Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



Aus: 0420 879 204

OS: +61 420 879 204


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Entries in show (2)


Show at The Chamber this Sat night!

Hey A/all!

I'm up in lights again, this time with My biggest and best show ever!

I'm performing alongside the amazing aerials artist, Paloma Negra from Paolma Negra Theatre, at Sydney's goth fetish club "The Chamber", this Saturday night!

We're performing our own WORLD FIRST - a static trapeze and contemporary shibari rope bondage act, one of great technical proficiency and intensity!

These are some wonderful shots by Melbourne photographer Andrew Bott from the first time we had an opportunity to showcase our skills, at Oz Kink Fest in Melbourne in 2015.

It's a great honour to manifest ideas and perform alongside such a respected and diverse artist.

Paloma Negra at Paloma Negra Theatre is a dancer, choreographer and aerialist and has been performing professionally for 23 years.

She has also trained in martial arts and in the Japanese dance art form Butoh.

Please check out her profile, I am so lucky to work with her again! Click on the image below of her in a recent performance...

Click to go to Palma's site...

If you want to come see what I'm so excited about, grab your ticket for The Chamber this Saturday night by clicking on the flyer below

At the time of writing tickets were 90% sold out, so don't miss out on this rare opportunity to see Me in one of My greatest performances in Sydney!

Best, up in lights!



Shibari show at Aust Power Exchange Contest

Hi A/all,

As promised, I'm dedicating a post here to My most recent shibari rope bondage show at the Australian Power Exchange Title Contest on Oct 19th...

It was definitely My very best show to date!

I tied My co-performer Shuga with My ubiquitous red rope into what is called a Tippy Lyra. This is a device used by aerialists clearly shown in the shots - a hoop like device that hangs parallel to the floor. (It weighs about 10kgs!)

We then raised her in the air and she worked the lyra, spinning and twisting through the hoop using the rope to hang in the middle of the circle...

It was magic!

Shuga was even able to hang straight off the lyra, making her look like she was hanging in the air supported by nothing at all! (I'd used black ropes on the suspension line, so it didn't read as clearly as the red ropes, from a distance...)

The thing I really loved about this show was that, as Shuga informed Me later, all her moves were determined by the random and arbitrary arrangements of the rope and the hoop together. This meant that she could not decide where she was going to move to or land, meaning every movement she made and shape she created was totally spontaneous!

It was rope and aerials magic!

I'm proud to say we've already had inquiries about a repeat show next January...

Best, on land or air!