Back for Sessions again in 2019!

Happy new year to all - I'm back in Sydney and already AT SPEED!
My first week of business this year was frought with NO INTERNET - a sad, bad state of affairs for anyone in this day and age!
That delayed this blog going up - but that's the ONLY thing that has stopped Me so far from bizness as usual in Jan!
My availabilities for sessions in Jan 2019 are as follows:
Available Monday to Saturday, 10am to 10pm
Same day bookings are possible, NEVER guaranteed
Next day bookings are ideal
Phone contact is My preference on 0420 879 204
If you miss Me send a text, DON'T leave a voicemail
Email Me at for a delayed but considered response
For the first time since going independant in 2007, I have a change to My 6 days a week schedule.
I'm going back to uni, after a break in study for over a decade.
This means that from Feb I'll have restrictions on My availabilities.
How does this affect you?
you'll need to plan a little further in advance, as there'll be 1 or 2 days per week where I'll not be available.
Yes, I'll let you know ASAP - after Feb 4!
I can now release the new images from Wayne Henry at Warped Photography where I did a shoot in Dec...
Yes! I finally shoot in My now infamous Fantastic Rubber mega boob latex catsuit and My full complement of HW Design rubber corsetry - and with the HW rubber hood of My fetish dreams!
Nothing gets Me in the mood for a long, hot, sexy rubber scene like wearing a hood. I just adore it and I truly feel like a superhero!
Check out this ultimate oufit! All on top of My famous 12" heel crotch high patent leather fetish boots from Little Shoe Box!
If you're curious about Wayne's recent work - other than the stuff he shoots with Me;) - check out his site here...
I'll look forward to reaquainting with My slaves, near and far, in the next couple of months for another year of intense sessions, bondage, latex and COME WHAT MAY!
I'll look forward to seeing you all at My boots sooner, in 2019.
Best, EVER!