I've won an Australian Adult Industry Award!

Hi A/all!
I woke up to a very lovely surprise last week when I looked at My Twitter account...
I've been awarded "Best for Fantasy and Fetish" at the Australian Adult Industry Awards in 2017!
It was a surprise to be nominated in the fist instance, forget actually win something! (shucks!)
Check the website for the AAIA here!
I'd like to thank all those who nominated Me, and also to those who voted for Me!
My congratulations go to all the other winners in the many other categories. Well done to be top of your game in this country!
My greatest encouragement to those nominated alongside Me in the "Best for Fantasy and Fetish" category. May the best person win next year, with My best of luck!
Regardless of any accolades, I maintain to keep trying to be a positive force in My industry, to be a relevant speaker for My community, to include and celebrate all peoples, and to aim to give back to those with whom I connect, whether in work or play.