Time off in Perth, Dec 5-10

Hi A/all!
I'm in Perth, as per usual at this time of year, from December 5th to 10th.
I'll not be taking on sessions over this time in WA, as I'll be looking forward to some quality time with My family! :)
I'll still be available on My phone and inbox, as per usual - but do expect I won't be available at certain times due to My commitments - and also the time difference!
My availabilities in Sydney up to My travel dates are:
LAST SESSION afternoon, Dec 5th - then wheels up/heels up to WA
In WA Thurs 6 to Mon 10
Back in Sydney for sessions 10am Tues 11
Click on the banner to check out the Carnal Society party!
I will however be making an appearance as a special guest at the re-launch of the Carnal Society on Sat 8th!
Click on the link on the banner above to check out the party - and YES! That's Me in the spotlight there, on the banner, shot in a previous year in Perth wearing Pretty Purvy latex!
It will also be My great pleasure to shoot again with the fabulous Wayne Henry from Warped Photography.
Have a look at what he's been doing recently by clicking on the banner below...
Click on the banner to go to Wayne's site...
I love shooting with Wayne when I'm in Perth. He's a sharp shooter and finds amazing images quickly, many set against the beautiful WA landscape...
See the wonderful image below that we created a few years hence with Rubber Bunny for our style together!
I'll look forward to seeing what we can come up with this time, as I'll be shooting in My amazing HW Design latex corset, neck corset, strap on pussy and hood!
I last more this to Avantguardista in Munich and can't wait to suit up again!
Yes, of course, I'll be on Instagram on the day to document My dressing and shooting process - stay tuned!