Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



Aus: 0420 879 204

OS: +61 420 879 204



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« I'm back in town from NYC! | Main | Soul Focus Studio releases 2nd fetish photography book! »

I've touched down in LA & en route to NYC!

Hi A/all!

I am now officially in the USA after a torrid flight from Sydney on Sunday 14th! I'm just about to hop on another plane to New York - My very first time in the Big Apple! I'm so looking forward to it and am looking forward to a heady mix of tourist stuff and kinky destinations! ;)

Missing Me already? Thought you might be! Here are some amazing shots I've been keeping under My hat that Luke from Soul Focus Studio and I did weeks ago that I've not yet published - these should more than keep you all happy in My short absence...

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Mistress Tokyo by

Just showing you what you'll be missing and what you have to look forward to on My return on the 25th Nov. I seriously doubt I'll have the time to blog while I'm away - so enjoy these pics of Me until we speak again!

Best, in front of the camera again!


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Reader Comments (8)

Wow, those are some very hot pics of you Mistress Tokyo! I love your corset, and the latex dress & stockings..and those heels are insane!!


November 24, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjesse

Thanks for your kind comments! :)

The corset was one of My custom tight lacers by the wonderful sue Nice of the latex is My own and the wonderful heels are of course by the late The Little Shoe Box of the UK!

Be well and take care,


November 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterMistress Tokyo

Welcome home.

November 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthe Diceman

Thanks Diceman, it's great to be back home and away from the cold US weather!



November 27, 2010 | Registered CommenterMistress Tokyo

Welcome back, MT.

While you were a away I was nasty and bought these ones:
More of your boot collection in next issue of


November 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermanoleat

Oh My god!!!! How did I miss these?? If I didn't like you I'd call you some rude names! I obviously HAVE NOT BEEN SHOPPING ON EBAY HARD ENOUGH! OH MY GOD!

Great to hear from you. If you end up having more vintage boots than Me, we will have to not be friends!!

Take care,


November 28, 2010 | Registered CommenterMistress Tokyo

I will never beat you in having more vintage boots than you, how could I? I guess this is just impossible... ;)
I hope Teri and you had some fun and that we will see a picture set of you both in next issue of

All the best,

November 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermanoleat

Hi again Manoleat,

you SHOULDN'T beat Me regarding fetish boots, although there are a couple of truly vintage pairs that I regret have slipped thru My fingers in the last few months. :/

I'd love to do some pictures with Teri but I regret to say that she is no longer interested in posing for photos - regardless of My fantasy of posing with her in both of our (nearly) identical pairs of Ablemen ballets! She wishes to be in the background and that's it. I was great to finally meet her though and to also see her boot collection!

Best regards,


November 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterMistress Tokyo

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