Soul Focus Studio releases 2nd fetish photography book!

Hi again E/everyone!
Just released is the 2nd self-published book by the local Sydney fetish photographer who's shot Me the most, Lucas Messerer from Soul Focus Studio!
you can see more of his amazing work at Support the local fetish arts scene and buy a copy - a preview of the book is available online and purchases can be made by clicking on the cover below...
Soul Focus Studio's 2nd book - The Case Continues
Enjoy his work - it is amazing and we are lucky to rep the benefit of Luke's kinky creativity! I haven't seen it yet, but I believe I'm in it at least four times! Thanks Luke, you are a true friend and amazing artist!
And while we're on the topic, you all should count your lucky stars because just before I go away to the US I'll be releasing more images of shoot that Luke and I did recently! you'll love it when you see it - so stay tuned!
Best - and occasionally in front of the camera,
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