Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



Aus: 0420 879 204

OS: +61 420 879 204


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Workshops at "The Woodshed" Orlando USA

Hi A/all!

So I'm now in Orlando, Florida after a HUGE weekend at "Beyond Leather" in Fort Lauderdale.

I'm here sponsored by the fabulous people at The Woodshed, Orlando to do a weekend of My kink workshops at their custom built 3000sq ft venue! 

Click here to view the Woodshed as Florida's best kink venue!

It's an amazing venue at sees a lot of play and workshops!

If you're ever in Orlando, come see the space. The thing that makes it special is the amazing people who make this community focussed venue happen. It's rare to feel such a welcoming family vibe - I'm really enjoying it!


This Saturday, I'll present 3 of My best workshops...

Check the Facebook event page here...

Heavy Sensory Deprivation

Sounds and Catheters on cis men

Advanced Electrical Play


Sunday sees one old and TWO new rope workshops!

Check the Sunday Facebook event page here...

Takedown Bondage

Mindful Rope

Shibari Harnesses for Suspension

Each workshop is $20 each or $50 for the whole day.

If you're in Orlando, I look forward to meeting local kinsters coming to experience what I have to offer as a Kink Educator, all the way from Sydney Australia! 

Best, all over the world!


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