In NYC, Educating at Purple Passion

Amazing work by the inimitable Soul Focus StudioHi A/all!
I'm now wheels down in New York and sessioning at NYC Rubber Studio!
In between sessions, I'm satisfying the 'kink educator' part of My life by holding one of My most popular workshops at New York's premier kink and fetish store, Purple Passion.
If you've not been to one of My "Heavy Sensory Deprivation" workshops, then you wouldn't want to miss it in the city that never sleeps!
I've conducted this workshop around Australia - and last weekend at "The Woodshed" as part of the Orlando, Florida leg of My East Coast USA tour. This will be the 3rd time I've presented this particular workshop in the USA.
New Yorkers! See this NY premiere of My infamous heavy bondage workshop... If you're on Manhattan, come down to Purple Passion to see Me - in full latex, dominating, binding then taking away the senses of My demo bottom for a full 90mins! :)
"Heavy Sensory Deprivation"
Thurs May 14th, 7pm $20 at door
Purple Passion, 211 West 20th St bet 7th & 8th Ave
Click on the banner to check the Purple Passion site!See the store site above for more details...
If you are on - check out the event listing here...
I'll hope to see a whole lot of New Yorkers out in one of the beautiful Spring nights we're having here, to check out this hot kink workshop experience!
Best, in NYC.
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