Sessions in Melb til Fri 22, Oz Kink Fest til Mon 25

Hi A/all!
I'm down in Melbourne and looking forward to a HUGE weekend of Oz Kink Fest and all that that entails!
But, before all this can happen - I'm looking forward to My sessions with My favourite slaves in Melbourne!
I've only precious time left in My schedule but I still can take on a couple of appointments.
If you wish to meet for a session, call Me on 0420 879 204 to discuss your desires.
I'm available via email, but prefer to talk in real time, most particularly if the session is same day or next day.
My availabilities in Melbourne:
Weds to 5pm
Thurs 10am to 10pm
Fri 10am to 5pm
I'm conducting sessions at the Collingwood Confidential in Collingwood.
I can be available on 3hrs notice; next day notice is preferred, but do try Me to see if our schedules align.
Please text Me instead of leaving a voicemail as I don't check them - if you miss Me, I'll return your text at My earliest convenience!
On to Australia's premier 10 day kink event, now in it's 10th year - Oz Kink Fest!
Tonight, I'm on a Q&A panel of fetish and kink sex workers addressing working in BDSM.
The event is called "Frisky Business" and will be held at a private venue next to Lucrezia and De Sade in Brunswick St.
I'm hugely honoured to be asked to be on this panel as I've not seen an event like this before in Australia!
The tickets are already sold out so I'm already sure it'll be a great night! I'm looking forward to learning what is on the mind of the wider non-professional community to ask seasoned pros like Me!
I've got a big new show I'm presenting with My fabulous co-performer Paloma Negra on Friday night at the big Oz Kink party - Hellfire Resurrection!
An image from our last show at Oz Kink Fest in 2015
I'll be doing shibari like you've not seen it before! Paloma and I have crafted a totally new show harnessing our rope skills, her background in dance and butoh and our own particular kinky sexy fetish "tendencies"! Watch out for those heels!!! :)
I must say, it's really wonderful to be honing My performance relationship with someone as experienced and skilled as Paloma Negra. We've been performing together for over 4 years and I'm so blessed to have this creative relationship in My life!
Then on Sat and Sun, I'm offering 5 workshops to the Oz Kink Fest community:
- - Sounds and Catheters on Cis Men
- - CBT on Cis men
- - Takedown Bondage
- - Heavy Sensory Deprivation
- - Mending Latex Clothing 101
I love presenting these workshops as I get to talk on My favourite topics! All the core material is My own and is distilled from 17 years of professional domination at an elite level, sessioned around the globe.
In addition this this, I believe it's imperative we share our skills so that we can all grow together stronger in our fabulous lifestyle.
See you in Melbourne, slaves and lifestyle kinksters alike!
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