Happy Xmas & NY Holidays!

Hi A/all!
Oh My gosh! I'm writing YET ANOTHER end-of-year blog post after an EVEN BIGGER YEAR than last year.
Wow. "Is it possible?", you ask? "YES", I confirm! (...and I'd have it no other way!)
I remember looking back over last year and thinking how bumper it was, but THIS YEAR I'm proud to say I've grown more, yet again.
Firstly, My holiday dates...
My Xmas/NY availability:
Sessioning to Dec 23
Dec 24 to Jan 7 - unavailable for appts
Available again from Jan 8
Please know I always observe strict radio silence for this period. This means that I don't check My phone, inbox or social media during this time.
A solid block of time off enables Me to come back refreshed and rejuvenated to torture the hell out of you all as creatively as possible once more in 2018. ;)
On My return on Jan 8, I'll reply to all messages ASAP.
On to My 2017, in review...
Top of the Task list that I knocked off in 2017:
Me on ABC TV's "Growing Up Gracefully" - touche!
# I was on commercial TV, on "You Can't Ask That.." and "Growing Up Gracefully" on the ABC.
# I was also on commercial Radio on Triple J, on "The Hook Up" - 3 times!
The 2nd Fetish Ed of Australian Penthouse
# I was in Australian Penthouse AGAIN on their second Fetish Issue, then in another regular ed with an in depth interview.
# I took on a trainee, Mistress Reina - and I think she's going to be a winner!
May I present, Trainee Mistress Reina
# I finally made it to Melbourne Sexpo after having to bow out on My first invite when I nearly lost the sight in My right eye 2 years ago! (Yes, it's been 2 years)
# I was asked to speak at an Art After Hours panel at the NSW Art Gallery for the Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition, what a pleasant surprise!
At Mapplethorpe for Art After Hours at the Art Gallery NSW in My own rags
# I did My further-est outcall ever. To Glasgow. Thankyou.
# I went to Ireland, Scotland and Berlin for sessions; three places I'd not gone before.
# I won an Australian Adult Industry Award for "Best for Fantasy and Fetish".
# I celebrated TEN YEARS as an Independant Pro Domme! Yes!!!
...and what a TEN years it's been!
I didn't think I could go as far as I have - but I've already proved to Myself that all I really need to do anything is a leap of faith. I definitely didn't think that I could take this whole ride this far though, 18 years ago...
Every day I look in the mirror and I see My competition - it's a fight with tough odds! That's why I need to get up and hit it EVERY SINGLE day. (Those odds are a blessing!)
Ok. I'm out. See you all next year! (...and yes, I've got something totally new up My sleeve!)
Best, EVER!
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