At Sexpo in Melbourne 17-19 Nov

Hi A/all,
I'm flying down to Melbourne tonight for Sexpo!
Don't worry, I'm just gone for 3 days - I'll be back in Sydney Tues 21st Nov to resume your usual fetish programming...
I'm doing not one but TWO >>HUGE<< Shibari X Trapeze shows on the Main Stage with My amazing co-performer, Paloma Negra!
Catch us on the stage in the big room at 1730 BOTH nights!
It's not the first time we've presented this show in Melbourne, but we've developed and DEEPENED the performance connection we have so much since Oz Kink Fest back in 2015.
We're also REALLY excited to be performing on a 7300mm rig at Jeff's Shed. (YES!!! It won't get any bigger in this country! WOOF!!)
We're also having the show professionally shot by the amazing Israeli photographer Asaf Sultan.
He's shooting us for a rope bondage documentary he is compiling, so Paloma and I are naturally PRETTY STOKED to be involved with his project!
I've been asked by My wonderful and perpetually excellent friends at Eagle Leather to present TEN workshops for them in their Fetish Playroom.
I said yes the moment they asked as it was 2 years ago when I cancelled the same appointment due to My retinal detachments!!
I'm so glad to be celebrating almost perfect vision 2 years on with My workshops offerings in 2017:
- How to have Kinky Sex Tonight
- BDSM 101 - Q&A
- Heavy Sensory Deprivation and...
- Shibari Bondage Rope Class!
Sexpo has already started but you can grab your tickets AND additional tickets to the Fetish Playroom online at the above link!
Best, having a ball on stage and in service to the Australian community!
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