Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

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As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



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Easter Holidays April 1-8

This will be Me first week of April!Hi A/all!

As always, I'm taking some time off over the Easter period.

I have SUCH a big time approaching in May with My upcoming tour of the East Coast of the USA that I really need the time off already to marshal My troops! :)


My dates for Easter are:

Available until Tues Mar 31st (inclusive)

Unavailable Weds April 1st

Available for sessions again Thurs April 9th

As per ususal, I won't be checking My email or phone during this period.

Please know that all communique will be returned at My earliest convenience from Thursday 9th April onwards.

I hope all My busy slaves get some time off over the Easter period so you can come in and serve Me on My return!

"Tour of the East Coast of the USA" did you read? Yep, I'm ALREADY BOOKING for NYC. :D

Trust I'll be blogging about that NEXT on My return from holidays!



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