Sydney Dominatrix with world-class BDSM studio warehouse


20yrs experience - 13yrs independent

International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



Aus: 0420 879 204

OS: +61 420 879 204


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« Holidays Sat 27 Dec - Fri 16 Jan '15 | Main | NY Holidays & New Soul Focus Shoot! »

More from My new Soul Focus Studio Shoot!

Hi A/all!

Just on the eve of XXXmas - as promised - enjoy these further pictures from My most recent shoot with Lucas Konrad Messerer from Soul Focus Studio...

I do so love wearing hoods and gask masks - can you tell?!

you can see images of the gas mask we shot in this set in an earlier blog post, but here are some MORE delicious shots of Me "just" in TWO hoods, TIGHT neck corset AND vintage German gas-proof goggles!

I'm also wearing a new Demask corset that I've not had shot before? Do you like it?

I'm (of course) wearing a GREAT pair of vintage Little Shoe Box thigh high black patent leather 9" stiletto heel boots over My TWO CATSUITS! 

It was an especially hot and humid Sydney day and there's a bit of a story with Me wearing TWO CATSUITS.

It was super intense! I can't believe how much I was sweating!! :P

If you missed the rest of this set, don't hesitate to flick down one blog post and see them!

Want to see more of Luke's fabulous work? Check his site here - he regularly shoots with international Dominas and fetish personalities alike, as well as werqing the world fetish party circuit. GO LUKE!!

Click on the banner to go to Soul Focus Studio's site...

The next time I blog here I'll be doing My final post for the year, later this week.

I'll announce My holiday dates and ALSO release images from another recent shoot with Wayne Henry from Warped Photography in Perth.

you are certainly lucky slaves this week! It's beginning to look A LOT like XXXmas! :D

Stay tuned for more - at the end of this week...



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Reader Comments (2)

Fantastic photos by two pros (model & photographer). Two cat suits @ one time amazing, but you certainly are one amazing lady. Best Holiday Greetings

December 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBaronh

I think you look so much better when you wear a smile.

December 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGraham

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