I'm on Deep Down & Kinky UK Blog... again!

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Hey again A/all!
I'm so happy to say I've been featured on the UK blog "Deep Down and Kinky" yet again for My recent fabulous shoot with Wayne Henry from Warped Photography in Perth!
I featured shots from this set just recently on My blog here - well they're ALL OVER the interwebs now! Not that we mind that... ;)
One of the shots from the DDK blog...
Thanks Craig for featuring Wayne and Myself yet again on your blog, alongside the likes of Bianca Beauchamp and Sway! It's very flattering for little old Me, in My own latex just having fun doing My thang...
Want to see more of Warped Photography's recent work? Check his site out here...
Click on the banner to go to the Warped site...
Best, all over your webs!
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