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International Kink Educator & Performer


As seen on ABC "You Can't Ask That" and "Growing Up Gracefully"


Heard on Triple J's "The Hook Up"


As seen at Sexpo, and on Studio Ten



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« I'm back from Easter break, pics of My recent rubber sessions! | Main | I'm on Easter break from Thurs 21st to Mon 25th inclusive! »

Soul Focus Studio Photography Exhibition at Oxford Hotel

Hi E/everyone!

I'm away in the bush over Easter as of tomorrow until the evening of Monday April 25th.

Regardless of the fact I'm looking forward to getting away from it all for the weekend, I'm also really looking forward to coming back to a major event in the fetish social calendar - a solo photography exhibition by one of My dearest friends and collaborator, Luke Messerer from Soul Focus Studio.

A collection of his works is on show at the Polo Lounge at the Oxford Hotel from Tuesday 26th until Saturday 30th of April inclusive. Opening night is going to be a blast! I'll be in attendance as well as Luke himself and many prominent people from the Sydney scene. The night kicks off from 7pm with speeches from 8.30pm…

Hope to see you there to celebrate the ascent of Luke and his work from the last five years in Sydney! The exhibition is presented by "The Playground" - a local fringe art collective run by another local fetish photographer I've also been shot by, the fantastic Sam King. If you are familiar with My website, you'll certainly recognise the distinctive black and white shots of Me in leather, smoking cigars and Nat Shermans. Those shots were taken by her many years ago!

Mistress Tokyo by Sam King Photography

His exhibition is being covered in the Sydney Star Observer paper very soon. Look out for this photo of Me against the Burdekin Hotel, Surry Hills and you can read all about it!

Mistress Tokyo by Soul Focus StudioLink to the Sydney Star ObserverThere should be an article up about the exhibition in time for opening night - check the press at the above link for details!

Enjoy your Easter break and see you all at the exhibition opening night!


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