April travel plans for Japan unsure... Stay tuned!

Hi A/all!
I love traveling and I have another big trip organized overseas yet again - but this time I'm not sure about whether all will go to plan…
On the 5th of April, I have flights booked and hotels waiting for Me in Japan. Understandably, I'm rather uncertain as to whether I'll be going…
(To see up to date coverage of the Japan issue as it develops, I find SBS an excellent source. I just viewed new videos of the tsunami on their site. Click on the picture above to go thru to their website.)
When the 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit an area off the cost of Sendai on March 11th, I was beside Myself with concern for the people in the affected areas. Watching the footage of the resulting Tsunami blow through and decimate whole towns only confirmed the gravity of the destruction. My heart has been stricken since and each news report I read had brought Me close to tears.
It's not just in name that I am allied with Japan. The place is like a second heartland to Me. I majored in Japanese language and have been speaking it for over 20 years. I've practised Japanese martial arts, recited Haikus, worn Kimono, learned how to play Koto and traveled to many areas of the country - forgetting My love of Shibari and Hojojutsu. I have many friends there and not just in the kink community. The aspects that resound strongest with Me are Japan's belief structures - Shinto and Buddhism have had a very strong influence on My own spirituality.
Aikido way of Harmony
About 5 months ago My dojo decided we'd plan the trip of a lifetime to train in our chosen art - Aikido, the way of harmony. We were going to follow in the footsteps of the great O-sensei, Morihei Ueshiba, who is credited with designing this modern art originally inspired by Jyujitsu. The recent developments in Japan have cast doubts on taking our trip next month with many concerned that playing tourist right now is not respectful or appropriate, regardless of how much we were looking forward to going…
Aikido in front of Mt Fuji - Fuji San
I welcome all who serve Me, whether near or far, to do as I am going to do and donate money to the relief efforts in Japan. I'd personally like to help out on the ground but I have few skills to offer other than a Senior First Aid certificate and lots of chutzpah! So I'm going to do what I can and donate cash!
Link to agencies to donate to Japan relief effort
Above is a SBS link to a variety of agencies that have roles in the relief effort. I've been wonderfully busy recently and have donated some of My hard earned spoils. I encourage My slaves to do the same.
The crux of My posting today is that I have plans to fly to Japan for three weeks in April. My current itiniery is to be in Japan from Tuesday 5th to Monday 25th inclusive. A decision will be made in the next week as to whether our group will go or not. I suggest that those who wish an audience with Me in April watch this blog to keep up to date with My movements as they develop. I will know for certain what is happening by the end of next week, 25th March.
Stay tuned and please hold the plight of the Japanese people in your thoughts.
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