I'm back on Facebook @ My "Mistress Tokyo" Fan Page, again!

Hi again E/everyone,
The virtues and vicissitudes of Social Media! A few months back I had My account suspended by Facebook. :( A damn inconvenience, too! Apparently I was denied the ability to exist on FB because I was "not a real person". Hmmm. I invite that rich young dude at the top of the FB pyramid to come 'round here and I'll show him EXACTLY how real I am! ;)
I was really enjoying My little network spanning from New York to Japan to Germany and beyond! I was forging online friendships that were starting to manifest in reality!
I'm now happy to say I'm back online on Facebook again after deciding to get over My bile at being kicked off. I have both a personal account at "Mss Tokyo" and My own Fan Page at "Mistress Tokyo". Please feel free to friend Me and/or "Like" My page - or both!
My Mistress Tokyo Fan Page:
At My personal account at "Mss Tokyo", you'll find a daily feed of what's happening in My life - so be sure to hit Me up with a friendship request before I exceed My buddy quota! I will be posting new photos of recent shoots very soon - so be sure to be in the right place at the right time for all My newest good stuff!
My Mss Tokyo personal account:
Link thru to My Mss Tokyo account...
In addition to these accounts, if you search you will find a Group under My name.
Fraudulent group set up in My name...
This group was set up in My business name without My express permission and has nothing to do with Myself. I personally have no responsibility for this group, nor have had anything to do with the formation of, moderation of or content creation for this group. I also do not personally or professionally know the creator of this group, one Marie-Anne Dienes.
In this particular case, there is very little activity at the group and none that defames Me. I could easily have this group closed down - maybe I should?
It's been said that to be copied is a form of flattery..? I'll take no action on this fraudlent group, but certainly please take note that this group has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! you will not find Me here, nor will you find any activity by Me.
A additional relevant note on contacting Me:
Please remember though, if you wish to contact Me to discuss a session or related matter, I am ONLY contactable at My regular email address at themistress@mistresstokyo.com. I get so many messages PER DAY on Facebook from people wanting to chat or discuss sundry matters that I've simply had to turn My notifications OFF!
See you on Facebook in cyberspace!
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